This was the first time a woman went to the moon.

After almost 50 years, man is about to set foot on the moon again. At the same time, many historical events are going to happen in this campaign. This is the first time a woman will step on the moon. This is the first time a black man is going to the moon. This will be the first Canadian citizen to go to the moon.

The mission that NASA is planning for 2024 to the Moon is named Artemis to Lunar Mission.

Three NASA astronauts will join the mission. Among them are astronauts Reid Wiseman (he previously flew fighter jets for the US Navy. He also served as NASA’s chief astronaut), and Victor Glover (the first black astronaut to participate in this mission. He previously worked on the International Space Station. He was responsible for flight operations of the lunar missions. He will remain) and Christina Koch, who has experience working on the International Space Station. However, this will be Canadian Space Agency astronaut Jeremy Hansen’s first space flight. He is a member of the Canadian Army and is participating in this mission as an expert.

However, each of them worked for a long time in the International Space Laboratory. The woman who walked on the moon spent the longest time in the space laboratory as a woman. In all, he was there for 11 months. The last time an astronaut went to the moon was in 1972. That historic lunar mission was called Apollo Exploration.

The earlier moon orbits were named after the Greek moon god Apollo. Now that the first woman is going to set foot on the moon, the mission has been named after Apollo’s twin sister, Artemis.

NASA Director Bill Nelson introduced the four astronauts at the Johnson Space Center in Houston, USA. At that time, he said, ‘The world’s biggest and most powerful rocket will take them to the moon. We are embarking on a mission to the moon. Then we will travel to Mars.’

After reaching the moon, the astronauts will first explore its orbit. Then they will step on the moon. NASA has another lunar mission planned right after that. However, no details have been given yet.

According to NASA, this is going to be a historic mission. From then on, those who wanted to go to the moon would be identified as the Artemis generation. NASA talked with the astronauts on this day. They were all wearing space suits.

US President Joe Biden congratulated the astronauts after NASA’s announcement. In the tweet, he wrote, this mission will be exemplary for the next generation.

NASA had sent a spacecraft to the moon before the mission. Just as these astronauts would orbit the moon in spaceships, that little plane has done just that. After 25 days in the Moon’s orbit, it returned to Earth. After that successful flight, NASA announced this great news.

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